Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Wiki
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Maria summons you to her office...

Run in with fan at LAX

Meet Elizabeth Korkov...


Maria Holmes Do you like cocktails? I sure hope you do, because Elizabeth Korkov loves them and she's inviting you out for some at The Oak Club. Do you know what that means? If Elizabeth Korkov invites you out for cocktails at her favorite club, it could only mean one thing: Business.
You Speech Interesting. Go on...
Maria Holmes It's a little known secret in the industry that Elizabeth Korkov always sips on cocktails while discussing business...
You Speech That's a bit odd...
Maria Holmes A little. Personally, I think she needs a few drinks just to be nice and keep from berating someone for five minutes. But you didn't hear that from me. Either way, she wants to be nice to you and make you some sort of offer! Head over to Oak and find out what she wants. Oh, and don't say no.
You Speech Okay. On my way...

Miscellaneous Character Wow, you're (PlayerName)! You're the first famous person I've ever met. Could I get your autograph?
You Speech 1 (Sign autograph.) Cash+? XP+?
Speech 2 No.
Miscellaneous Character 1 Thank you! My sister will love this. She's a big fan of yours. Her room has pictures of you all over it! It's... a little bit creepy, actually.
2 ----
You Speech 1 (Walk away.)
Speech 2 ----

Elizabeth Korkov There's the guest of the hour! Don't worry, I haven't seen Willow Pape/Dirk Diamonds here today. You can relax and have a good time!
You Speech 1 Oh, that's good!
Speech 2 That's too bad...
Elizabeth Korkov 1 Indeed! There shall be no childish interruptions. We can enjoy tonight as civilized and incredibly fashionable adults. Speaking of which... I'd like to let you in on a little secret. I've been working on a new clothing line. I call it, PROCLIVITY! All I need is a face for the line...
2 Hah! You like a little confrontation, don't you? I think it's exactly that confidence and spunk that I like about you. You're not afraid. It's just the kind of bold attitude that is represented in my new clothing line. I call it, PROCLIVITY! All I need is a face for the line...
You Speech A I'll do it!
Speech B Oh? That's cool...
Elizabeth Korkov A Hmm. Yes... I think I could see that working... Yes! I have decided that you will be the model and face for my new line of clothing! You're welcome.
B Hmm... What if... Yes! I have decided that you will be the new model and face for my new line of clothing! It'll be great for your career. You're welcome.
You Speech A & B Sounds good!
Elizabeth Korkov Well then, it's settled. The runway reveal of my Proclivity line of clothing will begin in 12 hours!
You Speech Okay!
